By: CS2113-T16-4

1. Introduction

Centralised Human Resource System (CHRS) is for the human resource personnel who use a desktop to manage the employee’s information. More importantly, CHRS is optimized for personnel with the preference of working with a Command Line Interface while still having the benefits of a Graphical User Interface (GUI). After familiarizing with the CLI functions, CHRS can get your contact management tasks done faster than traditional GUI apps. Interested? Jump to the Section 2, “Quick Start” to get started. Enjoy!

2. Quick Start

  1. Ensure you have Java version 9 or newer installed in your Computer.

  2. Download the latest CHRS.jar here.

  3. Copy the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for your Centralised Human Resource System.

  4. Double-click the file to start the app. The GUI should appear in a few seconds.

  5. Type the command in the command box and press Enter to execute it.
    e.g. typing help and pressing Enter will open the help window.

  6. Some example commands you can try:

    • list : lists all employee details

    • addid/000001 n/John Doe dob/21-01-1993 p/98765432 e/ d/Finance r/Intern a/John street, block 123, #01-01 s/600: adds an employee named John Doe to CHRS.

    • delete3 : deletes the employee with the index '3' in CHRS

    • exit : exits the app

  7. Refer to Section 4, “Features” for details of each command.

3. Fields

An employee can have the following fields associated:

Field Name Prefix Limitations



Employee Id should only contain exactly 6 numbers



Name should only contain alphabets and spaces and it should be at least 3 characters long



Date Of Birth should be in the format of DD/MM/YYYY and it only allows dates from 01/01/1900 to 31/12/2002



Phone numbers should only contain numbers and it should be at least 3 digits long



Email should be in the format of local-part@domain.
The local-part should only contain alphanumeric characters and these special characters except the quotations("): "!#$%&'*+/=?`{|}~^.-".
The domain name part must start and end with alphanumeric characters, be at least 2 characters long and it should only contain alphanumeric characters and these special characters except the quotations("): ".-"



Department should only contain alphabets and spaces and it should be within 2 to 30 characters long



Rank/Position should only contain alphabets and spaces and it should be within 2 to 30 characters long



Address can take in any values without limitations



Takes in a maximum of 6 whole numbers and 2 decimal place. (Max. value in total = 999999.99)
A "%" is allowed to be place before value for modification of Salary using percentage.
Input value can be in negative to deduct salary, but the Salary should not be 0 or below
Input value should not be blank



Only take in positive numbers with maximum of 2 decimal places from 0 to 24

A schedule post should include things below

Field Name Prefix Limitations



Employee Id should only contain exactly 6 numbers.



Date must be a valid date in the calendar DD/MM/YYYY]. Year must also fall into the range of 2000-2099. Leading 0s can be omitted in day and month field. You are not allowed to schedule for dates that have past today’s date.



Type can be either WORK or LEAVE only, case not sensitive.

An employee can incur the following expenses

Field Name Prefix Limitations



Employee Id should only contain exactly 6 numbers



Maximum of 6 whole numbers and 2 decimal points
Allow negative values
Minimum 1 digit



Maximum of 6 whole numbers and 2 decimal points
Allow negative values
Minimum 1 digit



Maximum of 6 whole numbers and 2 decimal points
Allow negative values
Minimum 1 digit

Total Expenses


Maximum of 7 whole numbers and 2 decimal points

A recruitment post should include things below

Field Name Prefix Limitations



Job position accepts only characters. It must not be blank and should not include numbers and punctuation mark. And users are not allowed to exceed the character limit which is from 1 to 20



Minimal years of working experience must be integers and should not be blank . And It is limited from 0 to 30



Job description accepts only characters and punctuation marks including only comma, full stop and single right quote. It must not be blank and should not include numbers. And users are not allowed to exceed the character limit which is from 1 to 200

4. Features

Command Format

  • Words in UPPER_CASE are the parameters field Name to be supplied by the user e.g. in add n/NAME, NAME is a parameter which can be used as add n/John Doe. Refer to Section 3, “Fields” for details of each field constraints.

  • Items in square brackets are optional e.g n/NAME [t/TAG] can be used as n/John Doe t/friend or as n/John Doe.

  • Items with ​ after them can be used multiple times including zero times e.g. [t/TAG]…​ can be used as   (i.e. 0 times), t/friend, t/friend t/family etc.

  • Parameters can be in any order e.g. if the command specifies n/NAME p/PHONE_NUMBER, p/PHONE_NUMBER n/NAME is also acceptable.

  • Commands which specified INDEX as part of the input requires a positive integer within the range of INT_MAX.

  • All prefixes to each field such as d/, r/, n/, etc, are to be preceded with a space.

4.1. Add employee’s data : add

Adds employee’s data to the database



  • add id/000001 n/John Doe dob/13/12/2000 p/98765432 e/ d/IT r/Assistant a/John street, block 123, #01-01 s/3000.00 t/FlyKite
    Adds an employee with the fields listed above

  • add id/888888 n/Betsy dob/23/05/1987 p/95544332 e/ d/Account r/Manager a/Betsy street, block 3, #11-01 s/5000.00
    Adds an employee with the fields listed above

Any usage of add command that will result in duplicated employeeId or phone number or email will be rejected. Additionally, duplicated name alongside date of birth will also be rejected.

4.2. Edit an existing employee’s data : edit

Edit an existing employee’s data in CHRS.


Include at least one field alongside the INDEX. The existing values of the employee will be updated to the input values.


  • edit 1 p/98765432 d/HR r/Manager
    Edits employee at index 1 to have the new input of phone, department and rank/position

Any usage of edit command that will result in duplicated phone number or email will be rejected. Additionally, usage of this command to edit an employee’s name to be the same as another employee who has the same date of birth will be rejected.

4.3. Locating persons by name or employee ID : find

Find the employee’s name that contains the input or find the employee id that matches the input. The expenses and schedule list will also be updated accordingly to show only the matched employee(s)' expenses and schedule.

Format: find [NAME] [EMPLOYEEID]

Include only one of the fields, either Name or Employee Id.
The NAME parameter is case-insensitive, i.e. The command find john will find the instances of JoHn, joHN, etc.


  • find John
    Find all instances of John, and his associated expenses and schedule

  • find 000001
    Find the employee with employee ID 000001, and his/her associated expenses and schedule

Any usage of find command will be rejected if it contains special characters or alphanumeric input. It accepts only either alphabets or numbers in a single input, not both.

4.4. Filter and list of specific employee’s data : filter

Filters out the employees whose department and/or rank/position contains the keyword(s) input from the user and list them in ascending or descending name order. The expenses and schedule list will also be updated accordingly to show only the matched employees' expenses and schedule.


The SORT_ORDER parameter should either be asc for ascending or dsc for descending. The SORT_ORDER parameter is case-insensitive.
Include either department or rank/position or both, at least one of the field must be included alongside the sort order. The keywords are delimited by a space, i.e filter asc d/human resource would mean the keywords are "human" and "resource". The keywords matching is case-insensitive.


  • filter asc d/Human Resource r/Manager
    List all employees whose department contains the keyword of either human or resource and rank/position contains the keyword of manager in ascending name order. Expenses and schedule list will also be updated to show only matched employee(s)' expenses and schedule(s).

  • filter dsc d/Finance
    List all employees whose department contains the keyword of finance in descending name order. Expenses and schedule list will also be updated to show only matched employee(s)' expenses and schedule(s).

Any usage of filter command that results in the same prefix appearing more than once will be rejected. Example: filter asc d/Human d/Finance will be rejected.

4.5. Delete an employee’s data : delete

Deletes the specified employee from the CHRS. All existing schedules or expenses with the same employee id will be deleted as well.

Format: delete INDEX


  • delete 4
    Deletes the employee with the index of '4' in the list.

4.6. Select an employee : selectPerson

Select an employee based on employee list’s index ID.

Format: selectPerson INDEX or sp INDEX


  • selectPerson 1
    Select the employee with the index of '1' in the list.

4.7. Modify the Salary and/or Bonus of an employee : modifyPay

Modify the Salary and/or Bonus of the employee identified by the index.

Format: modifyPay INDEX [s/SALARY] [b/BONUS] or mp INDEX [s/SALARY] [b/BONUS]

At least one of either Salary or Bonus must be included
Bonus will be replaced by new values with every modification


  • modifyPay 1 s/300
    Modify the Salary of employee with index '1' with 300 increment

  • modifyPay 2 b/2
    Modify the Bonus of employee with index '2' to 2 months of the salary

  • modifyPay 3 s/%5 b/1
    Modify the Salary of employee with index '3' by 5% increment and Bonus to 1 month of salary

Modification to Salary and/or Bonus that causes negative values will be rejected
Modification to Salary that goes higher than 999999.99 will be rejected since Salary can only hold a maximum of 6 whole numbers and 2 decimal places.

4.8. Modify the Salary and/or Bonus all listed employee(s) : modifyAllPay

Modify the Salary and/or Bonus of all the employee(s) shown on the display list.

Format: modifyAllPay [s/SALARY] [b/BONUS] or map [s/SALARY] [b/BONUS]

At least one of either Salary or Bonus must be included
Bonus will be replaced by new values with every modification


  • modifyAllPay s/300
    Modify the Salary of all the listed employee(s) by increment of 300

  • modifyAllPay b/2
    Modify the Bonus of all the listed employee(s) to 1 month of their salary

  • modifyAllPay s/%5 b/1
    Modify the Salary of all the listed employee(s) by 5% increment and Bonus to 1 month of salary

Modification to Salary and/or Bonus that causes negative values to any employee(s) on the list will be rejected
Modification to Salary that goes higher than 999999.99 will be rejected since Salary can only hold a maximum of 6 whole numbers and 2 decimal places.

4.9. Add expenses claims under a specific employee : addExpenses

Add new expenses for employee or modify expenses if there already exists an expenses


At least one of the fields, Travel Expenses, Medical Expenses, Miscellaneous Expenses must be included.


  • ae id/000001 tra/111 med/222 misc/333
    Creates a new expenses that contain 111.00, 222.00 and 333.00 for the above fields for employee with employee id '000001'.
    Total Expenses will reflect 666.00.

  • addExpenses id/000002 med/111 misc/222
    Creates a new expenses that contain 111.00, 222.00 for the above fields for employee with employee id '000002'. Expenses will contain 0.00 for fields not included in command.
    Total Expenses will reflect 333.00.

    addExpenses id/000002 tra/111 med/222 misc/-111
    Add 111.00, 222.00 and minus 111.00 for the above fields for employee with employee id '000002'.
    Total Expenses will reflect 555.00.

Any usage of addExpenses Command that will result in negative value for any fields will be rejected.

4.10. Delete expenses claims of a specific employee : deleteExpenses

Deletes expenses claim from an employee.

Format: deleteExpenses INDEX or de INDEX


  • deleteExpenses 1
    Deletes expenses claim from employee with Index '1' in the list.

4.11. Select an expenses claim : selectExpenses

Select an expenses based on expenses list index ID. User could use command_alias: 'se'.

Format: selectExpenses INDEX or se INDEX


  • selectExpenses 1
    Select the expenses with the index of '1' in the list

4.12. Clear expenses list : clearExpenses

Clear all expenses at one go. User could use command_alias: 'ce'.

Format: clearExpenses or ce

4.13. Add a new schedule : addSchedule

Add a new schedule for an employee.

Format: addSchedule id/EMPLOYEEID d/DATE t/TYPE or as id/EMPLOYEEID d/DATE t/TYPE


  • addSchedule id/000001 d/02/02/2019 t/WORK
    Adds a new schedule for employee id 000001, date 02/02/2019, to work on that day.

  • as id/000001 d/03/03/2019 t/LEAVE Adds a new schedule for employee id 000001, date 03/03/2019, to be on leave for that day.

Scheduling with an employee id that doesn’t exist in the address book will be rejected.
You are not allowed to schedule for dates that have past today’s date.
Exact duplicate schedules will be rejected.

4.14. Delete an existing schedule : deleteSchedule

Deletes the specified schedule from the schedule list panel.

Format: deleteSchedule INDEX or ds INDEX


  • deleteSchedule 1
    Deletes the schedule with the index of '1' in the list.

  • ds 2
    Deletes the schedule with the index of '2' in the list.

4.15. Add multiple work schedules : addWorks

Add work schedules for all the observable employees in the employees list pane.
Use find / filter / list to get the desired employees you wish to schedule.
All observable employees in the employees list pane will be scheduled work schedule with the date specified by the user.

Format: addWorks d/DATE [d/DATE]…​ or aw d/DATE [d/DATE]…​


  • addWorks d/02/02/2019
    Adds a new schedule for all observable employees in the employees list panel with date 02/02/2019, to work on that day.

  • aw d/02/02/2019 d/03/03/2019
    Adds new schedules for all observable employees in the employees list panel with date 02/02/2019 and 03/03/2019, to work on that day.

For those employees whom are not scheduled with the date, the command will create a new schedule.
When all employees are scheduled with the date, the command will tell the user that every observable employee in the list have been scheduled with the specified date.
You are not allowed to schedule for dates that have past today’s date.

4.16. Delete multiple work schedules : deleteWorks

Delete work schedules for all the observable employees in the employees list pane.
Use find / filter / list to get the desired employees you wish to schedule.
All observable employees in the employees list pane will be deleted work schedules with date specified by the user.

Format: deleteWorks d/DATE [d/DATE]…​ or dw d/DATE [d/DATE]…​


  • deleteWorks d/02/02/2019
    Deletes a schedule for all observable employees in the employees list panel with date 02/02/2019, with work on that day.

  • dw d/02/02/2019 d/03/03/2019
    Deletes schedules for all observable employees in the employees list panel with date 02/02/2019 and 03/03/2019, with work on that day.

For those employees whom are scheduled with the date, the command will delete the work schedule.
When all employees are deleted with the scheduled date, the command will tell the user every observable employees in the list does not have work schedule on the specified date.

4.17. Add multiple leave schedules : addLeaves

Add leave schedules for all the observable employees in the employees list pane.
Use find / filter / list to get the desired employees you wish to schedule.
All observable employees in the employees list pane will be scheduled with leave and date specified by the user.

Format: addLeaves d/DATE [d/DATE]…​ or al d/DATE [d/DATE]…​


  • addLeaves d/02/02/2019
    Adds a new schedule for all observable employees in the employees list panel with date 02/02/2019, to be on leave on that day.

  • al d/02/02/2019 d/03/03/2019
    Adds new schedules for all observable employees in the employees list panel with date 02/02/2019 and 03/03/2019, to be on leave on that day.

For those employees whom are not scheduled with the date, the command will create a new leave schedule.
When all employees are scheduled with the date, the command will tell the user that every observable employees in the list have been scheduled with the specified date.
You are not allowed to schedule for dates that have past today’s date.

4.18. Delete multiple leave schedules : deleteLeaves

Delete leave schedules for all the observable employees in the employees list pane. Use find / filter / list to get the desired employees you wish to schedule. All observable employees in the employees list pane will be deleted leave schedules with date specified by the user.

Format: deleteLeaves d/DATE [d/DATE]…​ or dl d/DATE [d/DATE]…​


  • deleteLeaves d/02/02/2019
    Deletes a schedule for all observable employees in the employees list panel with. date 02/02/2019, with leave on that day.

  • dl d/02/02/2019 d/03/03/2019
    Deletes schedules for all observable employees in the employees list panel with. date 02/02/2019 and 03/03/2019, with leave on that day.

For those employees whom are scheduled with the date, the command will delete the schedule.
When all employees are deleted with the scheduled date, the command will tell the user every observable employee in the list does not have leave schedule on the specified date.

4.19. Calculate total leaves in a year : calculateLeaves

Calculates total number of leaves scheduled for an employee for the entire specified year in the schedule list.

Format: calculateLeaves id/EMPLOYEEID y/YYYY or cl id/EMPLOYEEID y/YYYY


  • calculateLeaves id/000001 date/2019
    Calculates total number of leave scheduled for an employee id 000001 in whole of year 2019.

  • cl id/000002 date/2020
    Calculates total number of leave scheduled for an employee id 000002 in whole of year 2020.

4.20. Select schedule in the schedule list : selectSchedule

Select a schedule based on schedule index ID.

Format: selectSchedule INDEX or ss INDEX.


  • selectSchedule 1
    Select the schedule with the index of '1'

  • ss 1
    Select the schedule with the index of '1'

4.21. Clear the entire schedule list : clearSchedules

Clear the entire schedule list.

Format: clearSchedules. or cs.


  • clearSchedules
    Clear the entire Schedule List.

4.22. Add new recruitment post : addRecruitmentPost

Add a recruitment post based on job position, minimal years of working experience and job description.



  • addRecruitmentPost jp/IT Manager me/3 jd/maintain the functionality of company server
    Add an recruitment post with the available position called IT Manager, and the job requires minimal 3 years of working experience in similar field. The job position requires the candidates' ability to maintain the functionality of company server

  • arp jp/IT Manager me/3 jd/maintain the functionality of company server
    Add an recruitment post with the available position called IT Manager, and the job requires minimal 3 years of working experience in similar field. The job position requires the candidates' ability to maintain the functionality of company server

Duplicate recruitment posts are not allowed. Minimal one field should be different.

4.23. Edit an existing recruitment post : editRecruitmentPost

Edit a recruitment post based on its index no.



  • editRecruitmentPost 1 jp/IT Manager me/3 jd/To maintain the company server
    Edit the recruitment post with index 1. And the post information from job position, minimal working experience to job description respectively changes to IT manager, minimal working experience of 3 years in relevant field and the job description is to maintain the company server.

  • erp 1 jp/IT Manager me/3 jd/To maintain the company server
    Edit the recruitment post with index 1. And the post information from job position, minimal working experience to job description respectively changes to IT manager, minimal working experience of 3 years in relevant field and the job description is to maintain the company server.

Minimal one field should be changed in order to make the editing recruitment post function work.

4.24. Select an existing recruitment post : selectRecruitmentPost

Select a recruitment post based on post index ID.

Format: selectRecruitmentPost INDEX or srp INDEX


  • selectRecruitmentPost 1
    Select the recruitment post with the index of '1'

At least one recruitment post should be added in the recruitment post list panel before performing this function.

4.25. Delete an existing recruitment post : deleteRecruitmentPost

Delete a recruitment post based on post index ID.

Format: deleteRecruitmentPost INDEX or drp INDEX


  • deleteRecruitmentPost 1
    Deletes the recruitment post with the index of '1'

At least one recruitment post should be added in the recruitment post list panel before performing this function.

4.26. Clear recruitment posts : clearRecruitmentPost

Clear all recruitment posts at one go.

Format: clearRecruitmentPost or crp

4.27. Listing all employees : list

Shows a list of all employees, schedules, recruitment posts and expenses claims in CHRS.

Format: list

4.28. View all available functions or commands : help

Views all the functions and commands that the CHRS have.

Format: 'help'

A UserGuide popup window will appear for the user.

4.29. Listing entered commands : history

Lists all the commands that you have entered in reverse chronological order.

Format: history

Pressing the and arrows will display the previous and next input respectively in the command box.

4.30. Undoing previous command : undo

Restores CHRS to the state before the previous undoable command was executed. If a undoable command is executed after undo, then the command that was undone will not be undoable anymore as it is already undone.

Format: undo


  • delete 1
    undo (reverses the delete 1 command)

  • selectEmployee 1
    The undo command fails as there are no undoable commands executed previously

  • delete 1
    undo (reverses the clear command)
    undo (reverses the delete 1 command)

  • delete 1
    undo (reverses the delete 1 command)
    clear(delete 1 commmand will no longer be undoable as it is already undone)
    undo (reverses the clear command)
    undo (no more commands to undo)

Undoable commands: those commands that modify CHRS content. For commands similar functions to
(list*, find*, filter*, select*, calculate*) the command will not be able to undo or redo).

4.31. Redoing the previously undone command : redo

Reverses the most recent undo command.

Format: redo


  • delete 1
    undo (reverses the delete 1 command)
    redo (reapplies the delete 1 command)

  • delete 1
    The redo command fails as there are no undo commands executed previously

  • delete 1
    undo (reverses the clear command)
    undo (reverses the delete 1 command)
    redo (reapplies the delete 1 command)
    redo (reapplies the clear command)

Redoable commands: those commands that modify CHRS content. For commands similar functions to
(list*, find*, filter*, select*, calculate*) the command will not be able to undo or redo.

4.32. Clearing all entries : clear

Clears all entries from CHRS.

Format: clear

4.33. Exiting the program : exit

Exits the program.

Format: exit

4.34. Saving the data

Address book data are saved in the hard disk automatically after any command that changes the data.
There is no need to save manually.

4.35. Keyword suggestion and auto complete feature [Upcoming in 2.0]

This feature will suggest keywords when filtering or finding employee and the keyword will be auto-completed by pressing TAB key. [Upcoming in 2.0]

4.36. Employees' income report generation feature [Upcoming in 2.0]

This feature will generate an employee payout report to show the break down of the Salary and Bonus in term of Base Salary, Bonus, Overtime Pay and CPF Contribution. [Upcoming in 2.0]

4.37. Send Calendar: sendCalendar [Upcoming in 2.0]

Send calendar to the employee for employee to import schedule, sent using the Employee’s email address. [Upcoming in 2.0]

4.38. Publish recruitment posts to job portal: publishRecruitmentPost [Upcoming in 2.0]

publishRecruitmentPost command allows users to publish an existing recruitment post to job portal such as job street website. [Upcoming in 2.0]

4.39. Expenses Report: expensesReport [Upcoming in 2.0]

Generates an expenses report with the total expenses amount claimed and have not been claimed for a year [Upcoming in 2.0]

4.40. Encrypting data files [coming in v2.0]

Upcoming in 2.0! Stay Tune!

5. FAQ

Q1: How do I transfer my data to another Computer?
A1: Install the app in the other computer and overwrite the empty data file it creates with the file that contains the data of your previous Address Book folder.

Q2: What is the purpose of this app?
A2: To provide a centralized and low-budget platform for personnel working in the Human Resource field to complete their work in a faster and more dynamic ways.

Q3: Can I run it with Java version 8 and below?
A3: It will be best to run it with Java version 9 and above. This is to prevent errors in running the application and ensure the functions are running as intended.

Q4: How do I know what functions are there in the application?
A4: The list of functions can be viewed by typing “help” in the command. This will direct the user to User Guide which have further elaborations and guide of how the functions are being used.

6. Command Summary

Command Features Command Word Command Alias

Add employee’s data



Edit an existing employee’s data



Locating employee(s) by name or employee ID



Filter and list of specific employee’s data



Delete an employee’s data



Select an employee



Modify the Salary and/or Bonus of an employee



Modify the Salary and/or Bonus all listed employee(s)



Add expenses claims under a specific employee



Delete expenses claims of a specific employee



Select an expenses claim



Clear expenses list



Add a new schedule



Delete an existing schedule



Add multiple work schedules



Delete multiple work schedules



Add multiple leave schedules



Delete multiple leave schedules



Calculate total leaves in a year



Select schedule in the schedule list



Clear the entire schedule list



Add new recruitment post



Edit an existing recruitment post



Select recruitment post



Delete recruitment post



Clear recruitment posts



Listing all employees'



View all available functions or commands



Listing entered commands



Undoing previous command



Redoing the previously undone command



Clearing all entries



Exiting the program

